The Talking Calculator can be useful for people who find it easier when they can also hear numbers – this can help for example if you have a tendency to get the order of numbers mixed up. It can be downloaded here: www.assist-it.org.uk
Sums Online offer a free resource for learning times tables, available in a number of different languages: www.learnyourtables.co.uk
The Maths Dictionary for Kids is an animated, interactive dictionary that uses simple language to explain over 400 mathematical terms. There is an alphabetical index of terms and, in addition to simple definitions, there are examples and activities to test a pupil’s knowledge. It can be downloaded here:
The Funbrain Learning Factory is targeted to a younger age group, but it can also help older students who want to improve their knowledge of basic grammar and numeracy. It can also be used to build up your IT skills if you have not had much experience with computers. It can be downloaded here: www.assist-it.org.uk
EasyMaths has tutorials, games and puzzles to help with maths practice. It can be downloaded here: www.assist-it.org.uk
Cambridge University provides free materials – problems, articles, games etc – for all key stages of maths. These can be accessed here: www.nrich.maths.org/public
The London Knowledge Lab has free prototypes of interactive numeracy games, and a discussion forum. It can be accessed here: www.low-numeracy.ning.com
Mindtools are targeted at adults in the workplace. They provide information and strategies on a number of work-related skills, including how to improve your memory: www.mindtools.com/memory.html
Thinkalink provides creative ideas for linking words to each other to make it easier to remember information: www.thinkalink.co.uk